TasPorts Tackles Trash | Clean Up Australia Day's Business Clean Up Day

TasPorts' people take pride in their port precincts with teams around the State rolling up their sleeves for the annual clean up.


30 March 2024

TasPorts employees across Tasmania donned their gloves and grabbed their bags on Tuesday, joining forces for Clean Up Australia Day's Business Clean Up Day.

From pristine beaches to bustling wharfs, the dedication to keeping our state litter-free shone brightly.

A Day Filled with Teamwork and Discovery

The clean-up efforts spanned the entire State, with each location offering a unique glimpse into the types of litter collected:

Burnie's beaches and Devonport's mighty crew

The clean-up crew in Burnie was greeted by a pleasant surprise – a relatively litter-free beach area. While cruise ship passengers enjoyed exploring the coastline, a dedicated team focused on collecting the ever-present cigarette butts, ensuring a sparking environment for all. But the real stars of the show? A lucky few volunteers who spotted penguins during their clean-up efforts!

Despite their small size, the Devonport team proved to be a powerhouse. Their dedication resulted in eight overflowing bags of collected waste. To top off their efforts, they enjoyed a well-deserved BBQ, a delicious reward for their hard work. The most interesting find of the day in Devonport? A mysterious knife that will surely spark some conversation.

Launceston Rivers see improvement

News from Launceston was positive, with volunteers cleaning up around the Tamar and Esk Rivers. The most encouraging takeaway? Participants reported a noticeable decrease in litter compared to last year, suggesting growing awareness and commitment to keeping our waterways clean.

Franklin Wharf reels in unexpected treasures

The Port of Hobart team had a unique clean-up experience. While tackling the usual suspects of plastic, bottles and cigarette butts, they also reeled in some truly unexpected items. A shopping trolley, a walker, and, most curiously, a single (fancy) fake nail, all found their way into the collective waste. These surprising discoveries highlight the diverse types of litter that can end up in our waterways if not disposed of properly.

TailRace Park | A reminder of plastic pollution

At Launceston’s TailRace Park, the clean-up efforts focussed on the ever-present issue of plastic pollution. Volunteers collected a significant amount of cans, plastics and straws. However, the most head-scratching find was a set of Apple headphones inexplicably tangled around a ring. This serves as a stark reminder of the potential for even seemingly harmless items to end up littering our environment.

Stanley remains strong

Despite battling strong winds, two TasPorts champions braved the elements for a successful clean-up at Stanley Wharf and surrounding boat ramps! Their hard work resulted in a staggering haul: two massive bags overflowing with recyclables, three more stuffed with general waste (mostly plastics), and a concerning amount of tangled fishing line and hooks – two whole buckets worth! The team also collected numerous ropes, rags, and even a wayward tarp.

A big thank you!

Clean Up Australia Day in Tasmania was a resounding success.

A massive thank you goes out to all the TasPorts staff who volunteered their time on Clean Up Australia Day!

Your efforts make a significant difference in maintaining the natural beauty of Tasmania for everyone to enjoy.

Visit the Clean Up Australia Day website to find out how you can get involved in 2025 (and throughout the year).