Technical Advisory Consultative Committee to form for dredging works

Early explorers and settlers to Tasmania tended to bypass the Mersey River, as it was blocked by a sandbar and the banks were heavily timbered. The first dredging took place in 1890 and has continued through the life of the port.

In 2022, TasPorts will be undertaking dredging on the Eastern side of the port in East Devonport. As part of our Best Practice, a new Technical Advisory Consultative Committee is being formed to manage the full process.

There will be dredging as part of the Terminal 3 berth extension activities. A small part of the spoil will be used for reclamation works to expand the berth, with the remainder disposed of on land.

TasPorts is working with all relevant statutory bodies regarding these activities to ensure the relevant approvals are in place.

The Technical Advisory Consultative Council (TACC) will deal exclusively with the dredging activities, which will include key government and industry stakeholders. For more information, please visit the TACC information page.